If you have some pictures or news clips from outside of class that you'd like to share, please send them to
Fallaha, and we'll post them here.

Reina Maya, Mrs. Maya's daughter, the youngest member of our school.

Mr. Trent Steinhauser graces the cover of Press-Telegram's Prep Football Preview.
(He's on the Los Al side, aiming his punch at Poly).

And on 12/4/02, Mr. Trent Steinhauser (#58 here in the picture) and Los Alamitos H.S. team won the CIF Southern Section
championship on Saturday Dec. 14, beating Mater Dei H.S. of Santa Ana 41-14.

Mr. Boren and Oakley at AIDS Walk Los Angeles 2002.

Just for fun. Here's Japanese super hero Ultraman working out.
Even a super hero does Taekwondo!